January Jumpstart: Day 10, lean legs + Sweaty Bands giveaway

Happy Friday and we’ve made it 10 days! Sara wrote up another great workout, she included demonstration videos below it. Let’s get those legs in shape! That side plank with leg lifts is definitely getting added to my regular routine! Curtsey Lunges  Side Plank One Legged Squats Sumo Squats Side Kicks Have you ever heard […]

DIY Workout Binder

Hello all ya’ll at How My World Runs!  I’m flattered to guest post on Sarah’s blog today!  My name is Sara and I run She cooks, She crafts, She Runs.  I’m super pumped to bring you and little something that I’m pretty proud of. Several years ago I kept getting my workout magazines like Self, […]

What I ate (and did) Wednesday

It’s What I Ate Wednesday! I’m a creature of habit so I had my usual breakfast of bagel, peanut butter and banana. I was going to eat Almond butter but apparently I put it in the pantry and it’s supposed to be refrigerated. So, I’ll have to buy another jar. I went to the gym […]

Great run and Empower Fitness review!

One of those great runs! It’s not often but once in a while a run happens to be great! Everything is in line – pace and breathing, I feel like I could just keep running! I had one of those runs this morning, it was “only” 4.28 miles but at a sub-10 pace and it […]

Crazy week and 2 races this weekend!

Finally I’m back in business! Blog is mostly up, I can at least write this post so that’s improvement. Thank you RFE Hosting! So, here I am in the world of self-hosting. Not much has changed on the back side, it’s still WordPress so at least I don’t have to learn everything new. Still a […]