Pinterest pin-up party

I can’t even recall the last time I did a Pinterest pin-up party. I love all things Pinterest and have been pinning lots of fun stuff, especially now that Fall is around the corner! I love Maurice’s. I saw the email with this outfit and went in and purchased the skirt and shirt. It’s cute […]

Pinterest much?

On a scale of 1 to crazy, how addicted are you to Pinterest? Here are some of my favorite pins, including some recipes I’ve tried! It seems my most useful pins are recipes. I’ve tried several and most of them are great, there was at least one Pinterest fail. I should have taken a picture […]

DIY Workout Binder

Hello all ya’ll at How My World Runs!  I’m flattered to guest post on Sarah’s blog today!  My name is Sara and I run She cooks, She crafts, She Runs.  I’m super pumped to bring you and little something that I’m pretty proud of. Several years ago I kept getting my workout magazines like Self, […]