Random stuff and a winner!

This is a random post and we have a winner. I know you are probably more excited about that than my randomness! Today’s workout was a 5 mile run, it was actually one of the best 5 milers I’ve had in a while. It was still colder than I wanted it to be, but it […]

March Madness and a giveaway!

It’s Friday!! I’m always excited for Friday. We have a new exercise to introduce today. Did anyone try the lateral jumps? They are great for getting your heart rate up, just add them as intervals to any workout you are already doing, even weight lifting. This week’s March Madness exercise is Squat Jumps! I know […]

What I Ate (and did) Wednesday

Ever have one of those days where you have a plan and the plan gets blown to bits? That was me today. I started out with a great workout, got into work, had a great mid morning snack of yogurt and then it was all downhill from there! Things went bananas at work and after […]