Is it just me or is this year flying by? It’s the middle of May already. Hopefully you are spending time with the moms in your life this weekend.
Things are winding down at school and the kids church programs are wrapping up soon. Summer will be here before we know it. I’m looking forward to an easier schedule, definitely going to enjoy this summer before 7th grade.
Training this week:
Sunday: Rest day
Monday: 6 miles, 9:40 pace
Tuesday: Track workout, 4×800’s with 800 recovery, 2 mile warm up, (total 6 miles) 9:07 pace
Wednesday: 4 miles, 8:59 pace
Thursday: 5 miles, Fartleks, 9:39 pace
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: 12 miles, 9:12 pace
Ran with my new watch Saturday (happy Mother’s Day to me!) Other than accidentally having the screen set to kilometers and not miles (oops), it was a great run! It uploaded in miles, but the screen was showing km. I have corrected that. I’m a numbers girl and this watch gives lots of data!
I opened my big mouth yesterday and said something about the flower beds needing work and next thing you know I’m pulling up a half dead rosemary bush and digging up stones. 5 hours later and we have a new, bigger flower bed. It still needs more flowers and mulch but it’s so much better!
Today we are meeting my mother in law for lunch then visiting my mom and grandmother. Hoping to get a short run in this evening with Ally.
Happy Mother’s Day to you moms. Keep up the great work!
Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1