January Jump Start Day 3: Absolute Arms workout

It’s Friday and Day 3 of January Jump Start!

Friday is a rest day for me, but I stretch and sometimes gets abs or arms done at home.

Sara at She Cooks, She Crafts, She Runs made up this great arm workout and included examples of the moves below. (Excuse the cheesiness of some of the videos!)

*****Guest post*****

One of my favorite hobbies/jobs that I have is teaching fitness classes.  I’ve been an athlete since I was 5 and played tons of sports competitively throughout school but I kinda stopped when I got to college.  I have to admit that I got REALLY lazy in college as far as working out goes.

But towards the end of my college career, I began to regain my love of physical fitness.  I started running more and I started paying better attention to what I eat.  I FELT so much better.

As the years went by, I slowly started doing more.  I would run 5ks and then I ran a half marathon in 2008.  I worked out through my first pregnancy and after I had my son I ran my first marathon just to prove that I can get back to my pre-pregnancy self.

Since then I’ve ran several half marathon’s and have even gotten bitten by the Triathlon bug.  But to make a long story short, my love of fitness overflows to the point that I’m constantly either giving advice or being asked for help by folks around me.

So last summer I got my group fitness certification through AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America).  It was a simple one day class just going over basics since the class was for informed fitness enthusiasts.  Each year you have to get new credits to keep your credentials so I’m currently trying to decide what class I want to take this year.

For you, I’m passing on some workout snippets from my classes that I design.  Hope you get challenged and please feel free to ask about any of the exercises.  I tend to add my own spin on a lot of the exercises and I intend on making some videos to demonstrate some of the moves I just haven’t had the opportunity.

absolute arms
Not sure what the move entails?

I weighed and measured this morning. It was not great. I have work to do!

Did you workout?

Did you weigh or measure?

Check out the January Jump Start page for anything you might have missed.

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Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1

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