Today was a run day, but the howling 20 mph wind sent me to the gym! The “feels like” temp was 14. Some of my running buds braved it and they are rock stars! I am sort of getting used to the cold, but the wind is not my friend.
I hit the gym and got 3 miles of intervals done on the treadmill. I stretched and sat in the sauna for 10 minutes. I’m slowly starting to like the sauna.
I received a case of Cytomax drinks in the mail this week as part of my Zooma Ambassador perks. I have never tried it before, but I like it. Drank it during my workout this morning.
I made a page for January Jump Start. Visit the page for all the posts and giveaways. It’ll be the easiest way to find anything you miss.
I got all my food entered for today in My Fitness Pal and I’m right at my calorie goal. May have room for a small snack if I need it. I’ve already gotten 17 ounces of water down too.
Have you liked my Facebook page? It’s probably the easiest way to stay informed.
And don’t forget the first giveaway is going on now. Enter to win 1 pair of Swiftwick socks!
Did you workout today?
Have you tried Cytomax drinks before?
Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1