Gifts for the Fitness Fanatics

Wondering what to get the person in your life that loves to workout? Here’s a few ideas and things I love or would love to get.

Check out Sara’s list at She Cooks, She Crafts, She Runs.


GPS Watch: I’ve only owned one watch and it’s the Nike + Sport Watch. There are a ton of choices out there and they all do different things. The Nike watch will track laps and do intervals. You can set the intervals on the computer for any time that you want. It will give you calorie burn but it’s most accurate with the added heart rate monitor strap. I wear the foot pod and the miles are also more accurately tracked and it works indoors on the treadmill as well.



Love my Yurbuds head phones. They really do stay in and they guarantee their products. You can find them at Target and probably Best Buy or a running store.


Foam Roller: I love, love, love my foam roller! It’s not just for runners. This would be a great gift and the one I have from Target is $20-25.


Bondi Bands: These make great stocking stuffers too! They keep hair back, can cover ears when it’s cold, machine washable and stay in place!

bondi band

Compression socks: Pro Compression and Swift Wick are my favorite!

Compression socks

This skirt from Lulu Lemon is on my list!

lulu lemon


Stocking Stuffers and small items:

  • Chews or Gu. Presonally I prefer the Honey Stingers chews.
  • Ponytail holders like these.
  • iTunes gift card
  • Hand weights
  • Socks. There are so many brands out there, try to find out which ones your loved one prefers.

What’s on your Fitness list?

What have you bought the Fitness Fanatic in your life?

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Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1


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