Marathon training & Allstate Half

It’s 12 weeks down, 6 to go.

I felt good last Sunday after 18 miles. I’m going to attribute that to the ice bath. This week’s runs were good, pace felt consistent. I felt good. Thursday morning I slept in for the first time in months. I kinda missed running but needed the extra 2 hours of sleep. I ended up getting 2 miles in at the track. I wanted to be rested for my half.

Week 12

Training this week:

Sunday: Gym day, but I was worn out from 18 miles Saturday. It was light weights and 20 minutes on the elliptical.

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: Ran 5.2 miles, 9:30 pace

Wednesday: Ran 8 miles, 9:21 pace

Thursday: Ran 2 miles, 8:18 pace

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: Allstate 13.1 race!

Allstate 8

Race time: 7:00AM

Time we got in our corral: 6:58AM. I was panicked!

We exited the freeway at 6:15AM, the starting line is right off the freeway. By the time we sat in traffic, got parked, visited the port a potty, checked our bags, and got to the corral, we had 2 minutes or less to spare. Stretching? No time for that.

Allstate was one of the halfs I wanted to PR. It really is a flat course, with a hill at mile 12, about 1/2 mile up, then flat into the finish. I wish I could take pictures and run but I can’t. The course was pretty, along streets with multi-million dollar homes, a cool bar, a trail I haven’t ever ran on and just lots of character and things to see. I started out with 3 friends, but pulled ahead about mid-way or so. I was feeling good. That PR was in my sight.

We lined up behind the 1:55 pace team, but they shot out real quick. It was mile 8 I think before I ever got them in my sight again. He told me they started out a little ahead to prepare for the hill at the end. I was able to pass him and pulled out a 1:52:03. My 10k split was 54:11 and I came in 21st place in 35-39 year old women. The first place runner in that category ran a 6 minute mile. I am in awe.

Starting line
Starting line

We had several ladies running their first half marathon today. I was so proud to train with them and watch them finish today.

Allstate 2


I know I’ve said it before, but I have the best group to run with! I cannot express my gratitude for these ladies. Those not running today were on the course cheering for us.

Allstate 1


Allstate 4


So now, with that PR behind me, I have the McKinney half in 2 weeks. I’d like about the same time. It doesn’t give me much time to prepare for anything faster. I have my eye on the prize December 8.

run a marathon

Did you race this weekend?

Did you workout today?

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Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1

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