#GirlsofFall:Plyo drills and #GoalsCheck Monday!

This week’s post is from Sara at She Cooks, She Crafts, She Runs.


I am so deliriously loving football season right now.  Even though it seems one of my fantasy football teams in losing one player after another to injury…

Regardless, the agility drills that football players use are great for everyone.  They make you quicker on your feet and help with footwork.  So what if you aren’t on a football team, it’s not necessary.  Doing these drills can get your heart rate up and give you something fun and challenging to practice.

Bodybuilding.com has some great videos and I found this guy on Youtube.  Ask.com has some great pylometric drills to try. Pick a couple, grab some cones, and have fun in your backyard.  Maybe even challenge your kiddos to try them out!



Haven’t done a Goals Check in a few weeks, I’ve just been concentrating on marathon training.

  • Drink water all day long!
  • Weights: I hit a PR last week with 60 pounds on the bench press. I am lifting twice a week right now.
  • Keep up my marathon training. This week starts longer mid week runs (7 miles). That means getting up earlier to get those extra miles in.
  • Nutrition: I had gained a little bit of weight this summer, got a pound off last week. I have to make sure I’m eating properly and not lose too much weight. After 14 this weekend I was hungrier on Sunday than I was Saturday.

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Did you workout today?

Anyone race this weekend?

Has the weather cooled off where you live? (No such luck here, 97 today….)

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