September: #GirlsofFall

Well, I’m a day late and more than a dollar short! Things are crazy at my house right now. We had a storm yesterday and lost power as well as most outlets and appliances. So, I did not have a chance to get a post up yesterday.

It’s September and we are starting a new challenge. This week’s post is from Shelly at Running Pfuhl.


This month we’re focusing on being fit in all areas. We’ve come up with a number of football drill style exercises to add to your daily routine and get help you shout out YES! to the question:

Are You Ready For Some Football!?

There are number of effective football fitness training drills can be applied to the average person to get into great physical shape. Football is one of those sports that requires the athlete to be fit in all areas. Strength, speed, agility and stamina are all qualities and abilities that a football player must possess. I’m starting the month out with speed, agility and stamina. But more about that later.

To be honest I’m more of a Boys of Summer kind of girl. I love baseball. Don Henley. Running to that song. I love baseball to the point of listening to sports radio and knowing the stats of the Texas Rangers Team. I’ve been a fan of the Rangers when they were in the old stadium, when you felt the need to wear a paper bag over to head to go to the game so no one would be able to identify you. September has begun and my team is in what’s commonly known as: The Hunt For Red October. The chase for the World Series. We’re three games out from first place in the AL. But September can be a long month. It will be interesting to see who The Hunt shapes up. I haven’t been able to watch as much as I’d like in recent years, or attend as many games, but my love for the game remains. My mom played softball, I played softball, both my kids played baseball, my siblings played baseball…. we’re a baseball kind of family.

Oh wait, this is about football, football is a whole other beast! Where as for baseball I watch my family and the Rangers (well they’re family, right?)….. Football, I’ll watch just about any team. High School, College, Professional. I like to attend local high school games, particularly when it’s great football weather! Now that my youngest is in Middle School we’ll attend a few of those games. Show our school spirit. I like College Ball. I’m a Texan so I like the Longhorns, grew up my whole life hating the Sooners and the Aggies. I was die hard Cowboys fan until Mr. Jones set foot onto Texas soil. I liked the Cowboys in the 90’s. I thought it took great teamwork, integrity, mental toughness to go from a 1-15 team to the Super Bowl. Lately though, I’m done with Jerry, and Jerry Land, and The ‘Boys. The Packers, I like that team. I’ve rooted for them since forever. Not to mention they’ve had some really good eye candy over the years!
And that’s what we’re going for here, right? As the earth is tilting further from the sun, as the air gets crisper, the nights get longer, the last of the s’mores are made around end of summer campfires…. we’re still in the Hunt For Red October. Eye Candy. Keeping our girlish figure. Running further. Making plans for fall races. Getting Stronger. Strength. Speed. Agility. Stamina. All things a football player possess – I envy. Color me green. Oh Packer colors! LOL
This month lets start our drills off with shuttle runs. Ideally you’d be at a football field when doing this, but you can use the street you live on. Use Mailboxes as your yard markers.

Shuttle Runs
Shuttle runs work on speed, endurance and lower body muscle strength. Shuttle runs involve gradually increasing the distance of each sprint. The best place to perform this is on an actual football field – or even a soccer field – with the yard lines marked off. Begin at one end of the field, and sprint 10 yards, then sprint back to starting position. The next sprint should be done for 20 yards and back, then 30 yards and back, and so forth. Make sure you touch the yard line with your hands before sprinting back to the start.
Incorporate this into your training runs this week. Do it before or save it for the end. Running intervals in this way increases your overall speed, agility, and stamina.

Join The Triple S Bloggers! Tweet us, post to Facebook, show us your pix on Instagram! We love feedback from our readers!
Who is your favorite team?
What colors are you wearing this season?
What’s your fall running plans?
Got your eye on fall races?
Are you in the #GirlsofFall club?


Hope you all have a great week!
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