Running buddies!

Yesterday I had some cute running buddies for my virtual 5k. I am participating in the 13 in 2013 challenge. That’s 13 races this year. There was a virtual race this week, Tackle the Miles, to help us reach that goal. Ally and I ran the 5k with Molly.


My cute running buddies!


Molly likes to run, several times we were running a sub 9:30 minute per mile!

We have a winner of our Sweat Pink Swag Bag, congratulations Cerissa Brown!! Watch for an email from me.

We still have a few giveaways going on, one ends tonight and the last one ends tomorrow night!

I got four sets of 10 V-Ups done yesterday, those are hard but I’m taking the challenge head on! Are you participating in our Too Hot to Handle challenge? How are your V-Ups coming along?

Have a great day!

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